Saturday, August 26, 2006

Ok, so this is my second stab at the blog thing. I've remembered my sign in name. I've remembered my password. So, now I can start letting people know my thoughts on everything. Prepare to be enlightened. First, I have to say that I don't like my blog background. It's annoying. I like only two blog backgrounds out of the all the choices they give. The only problem is that my two friends, Anne and Laura, have the two backgrounds that I like. I don't want to be a copy cat, so I'm stuck with the annoying dots.

Well, if you don't know me, I'm not sure why you're reading my blog. However, I'll give a little background information just in case. I'm 24 and I just got married this May. Four days after the wedding my husband, David, and I took a two month honeymoon to Italy and Greece. It was a fantastic trip and was had some great experiences. Now that we're home we are flat broke, and it's three weeks until we get paid. We won't have to go to soup kitchens, but we will have to tighten the belt. I think the trip was worth it though.

Ok, so I mentioned that we get paid, so you might be wondering where it is that we work. Well, David and I have two jobs each, but they are essentially the same jobs. We are both TA's in the Classics department at Purdue. I teach Latin and David teaches Greek. We are also writing lab tutors at Ivy Tech. Because we are TA's, that also means that we are full-time graduate students at Purdue. We are both in the snooty English department where everyone thinks they are God's gift to erudite scholarship. They are not. Neither are we, but the difference is that we have never claimed to be. Oh, that and we aren't jerkfaces about every little thing. I am in the Comparative Literature field and my husband is in English Linguistics. There are some good people in both departments, but they seem to be the exception to the jerkface rule.

David and I live next door to our Good friends Anne and Peter Neulieb. Anne is the one who encouraged me to get this blog.

So there's my life right now. It's pretty good and I happen to like it a lot. I like to tell stories and also like to rant. That is probably what this blog will be mostly comprised of. Yeah, I did just end a sentence in a preposition. I think for my next post I will give a top ten best and worst things I like in the whole world.


Anne said...

Yay for Monica to have a blog! Let the ranting and raving begin (I've got to go do the laundry)!

LauraSuz said...

I am pumped that you are finally blogging since I don't get to see you that often. Now I can keep up with the O'Neil's!

LauraSuz said...

P.S. I won't consider you a copy cat...this time.