Saturday, November 03, 2007


I have a great post up in my head that I want to write. It would be great. I'm sure it would be funny and I'm sure it might infuriate someone, which is the best kind of post. However, I've been a little too depressed lately to try to be funny. Well, let's not call it depressed. That conjures up too bleak a picture. Let's call it crestfallen. No one can be that sad if they say they're crestfallen.

We went to a party last night. It was cool, but I felt like was a little rusty on the whole talking to people who aren't David issue. I tried to be nice, pleasant, and not too weird. Who knows? Maybe I pulled it off. The people at the party were genuinely neat and interesting. It was a bunch of classicists and their spouses, and as someone with a classics background and a spouse, I wasn't entirely out of my element. One of the coolest parts about the party was that the hosts (a classics PhD student and her husband)live two floors below us. What is even cooler is that they play board games!! They have all the good ones like Settlers, Caylus, Powergrid, Puerto Rico and so on. I think we're going to play games with them in the future. Well, actually, David is ditching me tonight to play board games with his classmate's husband, his professor's husband, and other people.

David said I had to wait a year before applying to a PhD program. But then yesterday he said I could apply for next fall. I am at least looking into it. How's work you say? Well, I'll just say that I have never been so inspired to go back to school in all my life, and my students are the ones who have inspired me to do it. They are a very inspirational group. Oh, case in point- I'm in a computer lab right now, and an inspirational student (not mine) just came up to me as I was typing the previous sentence and asked me if I was a fast typer. I said I was and asked why. He asked me if I wanted to make three dollars by typing his English comp paper for him. I responded that I didn't think I should considering that I am an English comp teacher at this very school. There was a lot of backpedaling and mumbling before he went back to his computer. I have not seen him solicit anyone else. Ah, inspiration. It really can come from anywhere.


Anne said...

Oh Monica! I wish you weren't crestfallen (though by the end of most days I'd label myself depressed). Just think you're coming home oh so soon!! And I hope you'll be able to visit us a bunch!

Oh and Maryanne is being induced on Monday morning so pray for her...this pregnancy has been a little bit weird...

Anonymous said...

$3 dollars??? Even if he just wanted a typist that would be way too low. But if he wanted you to actually write the thing, I'd think $50-100 would be a minimum when you consider the time, effort, and risk.

Anonymous said...

I agree, three dollars is not nearly enough!!!

It's good to see that your pupils are so inspiring.

Caitie B said...

hey chica! it was soooooooo awesome to see you the other night! come back more often!!!!!!!!!!

p.s. i loved your life story! :) hahaha