Thursday, November 02, 2006

Cassandra Complex

Some days I feel like Cassandra from Greek and Roman myth. Cassandra was a student of Apollo who gave her the power to foretell the future. Apollo wanted to get with Cassandra in that creepy "inappropriate student-teacher relations" sort of way. Cassandra rejected Apollo's advances and was punished accordingly. Cassandra was able to keep her power to accurately foretell the future, but when people heard her predictions, they were all convinced that they were hearing lies. No one would ever believe her. She predicted several disasters, including the Trojan Horse and her own death at the hands of Clytemnestra (See picture at left.)

Now, what does this have to do with me? I can predict the future about as well as Mrs. Cleo(ca' me now fo' your free tarrot readin'). However, I do feel like I have been saying several true things lately only to be judged a lunatic or just simply an idiot. For example, I haven't felt well recently. I've had some heart palpitations and have had a 24 hour monitor affixed to my chest in order to catch these palpitations. Of course, as soon as I get the monitor, the palpitations that I have had every day for the past two weeks have disappeared. I can't wait to return to the doctor so she can tell me I'm nuts. Next, my students must think that I'm telling them lies when I illustrate to them everything I know to be true about Latin. This is apparent because I will show them a concept and they will do the exact opposite on the quizzes and exams. So what am I going to do? Probably break down and start screaming at the top of my lungs until David takes me to the loony bin in Logansport. That's my prediction anyway.


Anonymous said...

You are indeed Cassandra--doomed to tell jokes that only you recognize to be funny!

Actually, my name seems a lot funnier now that I see it in print. So good joke, dear.

Anonymous said...

I say true things everyday and my children look at me like I'm a big idiot. It usually runs something like this....

Thomas: "Can we have bagels for breakfast?"

Me: "No, we finished them yesterday."

Thomas: "But we just had bagels yesterday for breakfast, are you sure we don't have any?"

Me: "We finished the bagels yesterday. They are all gone."

Thomas: "Can I just check in the fridge to see if I can find any?"

Me: "No, I am quite positive there are no bagels in the fridge."

Thomas: "But can I just check?"

Me: (with insane laughter, perhaps a lot like what yours might be) "Oh, for Pete's sake, go ahead."

Thomas: "Mom, there are no bagels. Can we have toast for breakfast?"

Sadly, this is just one story of many I could tell. There is nothing like children- they kill your brain cells and then, adding insult to injury, proceed to make you feel like a fool as well. I swear, I used to be a highly intelligent woman!!


Anonymous said...

Make a new post be on..... I'm bored.
