Tuesday, March 04, 2008

My Husband Is A Monkey

This is what happened when my monkey-husband decided to jump on the bed

From a chair stacked on a hope chest

In what can only be described as a WWF style, top of the ropes, spinning elbow drop.

Why? Because he finished changing a light bulb and thought it would be fun to jump from the chair onto the bed. David says it'll just take a 2X4 and a couple of nails to fix. I remain skeptical. Currently, our bed cannot support 3 out of its 4 slats. I would say this is the kind of thing for which David would find himself sleeping on the couch tonight, but I think it's obvious that we'll both be sleeping there. I told David that the only reason why it's funny is because we're comfortable enough in our finances that we could buy a new bed if need be. If we were poor, I would not be laughing nearly as much. Oh, man. At what age or stage in our life was responsibility supposed to kick in? Because I clearly don't think it has for the O'Neils.


brnh said...

Wow. You handled that much better than I would have. Of course we just have a metal mattress frame so that would take some extreme jumping.

Anonymous said...

Bed fixed--courtesy one hatchet-head and four bent nails.

M LO said...

I'll confirm the fixed-ness of the bed after a couple of nights of sleeping. It looks pretty shady.

Anonymous said...

Wow!! Thomas broke a chair last night doing the exact same move!! I wonder if Dave "the hammer" O'Neil has anymore bent nails that we can borrow. I suppose it won't matter. John Paul will just break it again. I'm waiting for Maggie to start breaking things and then my life will be complete. As it is, she just screams and throws little girl temper tantrums. Maybe Dave could come and put the smack-down on her and she'd stop being such a sissy.


Anne said...

That's pretty impressive breakage...my gate is just a little bent.

Anonymous said...

I definitely appreciate the pic of the WWF in the midst of the others... gives a great mental image of what happened. So, btw Mon, do we all have to call you Maniac now? ;)

M LO said...

Maniac would at least be a good nickname, though not as good as the old "D-Monica."

Anonymous said...

i'm not sure i ever called you d-monica...? ps--I don't know why the computer decided to call me monica in the last post....? perhaps user error... sorry! must be a secret desire to be you... ;)