Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Act of Contrition draft

A couple of weeks ago I decided I was going to write my own Act of Contrition. The following is a draft. I suppose because it is a draft that it's open to criticism.

Oh God, I am gravely sorry for my transgressions against you.
Not only because I fear the depths of hell, which promise eternal torment,
but more importantly, because I have separated myself from you, who have promised me eternal joy. With your help I intend to do penance, take up my cross, and follow you, so that I may love you more perfectly.

Lord have mercy on me, a wretched sinner.


So, I don't know. It's pretty cut and dried, I guess. I like it though.

In a side note, sorry to anyone who read my last post. It was entirely too long and not very fun. I should have summed it up in the following way:

Friday-My friends imbibed a bunch of soda and I tested them on it.
Saturday- John Elias was baptized, some kids got a buzz off of 10 glasses of holy water, and the Schnerres threw an awesome party, in a completely grown-up, for married people with tons of kids sort of way.
Sunday-RCIA is cool,and I ate way too much at my Aunt Barb's. Like always.


LauraSuz said...

What a good idea to write your own. I like it. Tell Alex he can read all he wants but warn him I'm not interesting enough to check up on daily.

Anne said...

Very, very good - I might steal it!

Christine said...

I don't know you that well, but I like reading your blog. That makes me either (a) voyeuristic, or (b) a fan of scathing and witty social commentary. I choose (b).

Anyway. I'm Peter Neulieb's sister. You're cool. We should hang out next time I'm in Lafayette. :-)