Thursday, September 14, 2006

Would you believe that it's over a week later and I'm still sick? I not on the verge of death or anything, but I will say that I'm only 75% recovered. This cold just refuses to move out of my lungs. This is a really sore spot for me because I just felt like my lungs were on the mend from the reflux, and now I have this. For the sake of refinement, I'll not divulge the full details of my illness. I mean, if courtesy does not separate us from the animals, what does? However, I will say that I am coughing up copious amounts of dark, and I mean really dark, yellow sludge. This leads David to believe that I have some sort of infection. So, I've spent the last week making sounds that would make a truck driver blush in order to banish this infection from my lungs. Even after all these sounds, David says he still loves me.

Now I would like to devote the next part of this post to blogs. Yes, I'm blogging on blogs. I think Foucault would call that a metablog.

I'm not sure how much good this blog is doing me, and I'll tell you why. First, I need to read five more chapters in Pat Barker's Regeneration for a class that meets in an hour. Instead, I'm writing to a maximum audience of five people about my snot. Not that I don't love those five people, by the way. Second, I'm really tired of writing about the mundane rituals that make up my life. Wake up, teach Latin, read or don't read a good or not good book, try to sound smart about book I have or have not read yet, etc. I've really tried to keep my boring life out of this blog as much as possible. The point at the beginning of this thing was to tell about funny stories that happen to me. But as soon as I created this blog, I had a drastic drop in funny things that happen to me. Weird. So, my boring life has crept in. And then I think, why does it matter? Blogs are like the medicine cabinet of the internet. Everyone likes to have a little peak even if all it contains is the same stuff you yourself have. Nevertheless, I am going to try to liven things up by telling funnier stories of giving outrageous opinions on various topics. And I will keep blogging because I think it's kind of therapeutic.

First outrageous opinion: I hate the UN. I hate global government, and I hate any bureaucrat sticking their nose in my business. Especially corrupt ones from other countries. Four words for the UN: League of Nations, bitches!

Second outrageous opinion: I hate monarchies and monarchists.

Third outrageous opinion: I hate super-elitist colleges that promote monarchy, racism, and all around priggishness, one in particular.

Well kids, I'll see ya on the flip side.


Anne said...

Oh wow!! Who have you been talking to lately?!! Did any one incident spark this??

You need to come talk to us!

I'm sickish now too. :o(

Anne said...

P.S. I'm so glad that you're not going to give up blogging! It is certainly therapeutic and I so love reading all of your outrageous opinions!!!!!

David said...

This is your best blog yet, Monica. I love meta-entertainment (writing about writing, movies about movies, whatever), even though I have nothing for disgust for myself when I fall into the practice, which happens every time I start a journal. Pretty soon I'm journaling about journaling. Or maybe I'll start thinking about an idea, something useful that it would be good for me to sort out, and suddenly I'm thinking about the thinking itself, and like some sort trapped rabbit I start running circles in my head, the original idea is lost, and I go home disgusted with myself for my lack of mental discipline. Anyway, I love you in spite of your trucker snot (if I said 'because of', could that be considered perverted), and I encourage you to always waste time on blogs when the alternative is reading stupid books to sound or not sound smart in boring old school. I'm going to join the circus.