Sunday, August 26, 2007

Panem et Circenses

After a couple of months of consideration, I've decided to change the name of my blog. I don't really write about anything too important on this blog, so "Panem et Circenses" seems fitting. Plus, I just like the sound of it. The quote comes from Juvenal:

nam qui dabat olim
imperium, fasces, legiones, omnia, nunc se
continet atque duas tantum res anxius optat,
panem et circenses.

Basically he's saying that Romans used to value their form of government and did their duties as citizens. But now everyone cares about just two things: bread and circuses. Since it's the title of my blog, I suppose I should really put it in nominative case, but "Panis et Circenses" doesn't have the same ring. Anyway, I'm going to keep the title on a trial basis to see how I like it. If I don't like it after a couple of weeks,(or if the fact that it's in the wrong case starts to bug me)I'll change it or go back to the old title. Feel free to tell me what you think of the new title! Does it have the ring of a person lording their worthless education over other people? One can only hope.


Caitie B said...

just noticed something in your sidebar.. wasn't it "me and coolio down my the school yard"? or something?

love the new title. my first guess was "panic at the circus" and i imagined elephants stepping on clowns and fire breathing people breathing on the tightrope walkers' ropes. i was thinking, is her life that chaotic..?

but bread and circus.. much better.

Anne said...
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Anne said...

Totally lording your education...but then that's just so very you!

Really, I think it's great!

M LO said...

Yeah, the original was me and Julio, but I thought Cicero fit. Plus, if you look directly underneath that quote, there is a picture of Cicero lovingly watching over me. At least, that's how I like to think of it. Though, technically in that picture we are "down by the Coliseum Museum" and not the schoolyard, but what the hay.

Panic at the Circus is a great title, actually. I might change it to that once I have children. I am positive that my kids will breathe fire, whether it is because they are human-dragon half-breeds or just because they will pick up the skill from a local carny who watches the kids for me.

Caitie, I wish I had gotten more of a chance to talk with you and Michaela at the party. When it was over, I realized that I had said about two words to each of you. I’ll be sure to chat it up with you the next time I see you. I love you girls!

Anne- Thanks for the encouragement. I think the title sounds like a keeper.

M LO said...

Oh, and I suppose I don't really mean that my education is worthless. I think my degrees from Purdue have far more academic and professional value than those unfortunate enough to go to particularly insular or non-accredited schools. I mean, I certainly don't feel like I missed out on anything academically, and I have the added bonus of actually being able to get a job.